The different days

are strange times. We are both foreign but familiar which creates a unique state to be in. Being in Gerany and speaking the lanaguge are not new to us. There are things that I am becoming aware of now that I live here that I had only heard about before …

The steckdose days

are spent coaxing our British tech to speak German. Life as we knew in Scotland has been turned on its head and we now have to make sense of a new everyday where everything is new. We are fumbling about trying to make sense of the onslaught of new experiences …

The stempel days

are the first steps towards getting settled here. In Germany official documents are stamoed and signed. The only time I can think of this happeneing in scotland is when you check out a library book. I am new to this legitimacy through stempeling. I am still apalled that I had …

The travel days

are somewhat anxious ones. Is the suitcase too heavy, do we have enough jumpers and how can you really fit all of your life into a suitcase? Just a few of the questions that have been buzzing in my brain like angry wasps. The short version is we made it …