The tartan smartie

A newish experience here is is getting a haircut. I have shoulder length hair and a fringe. Fancy hairstyles are totally beyond me, I have two left hands for anything like that. The last haircut started off totally normally, chat about how I wanted it cut, just trim and fringe …

Betwixt and between

It's been a year of huge change and upheaval. This year is going to be no different. Leaving and arriving were the defining moments of 2022. Although feeling a mix of sadness and guilt at leaving my home country Scotland has changed since I left. New monarch, two PM's and …

Four months in...

Beurocracy is everything ohne stempel gehts nicht/nothing works without being stamped Healthcare is excellent even though you have to wait efficiency is a myth to sell flashy cars Berlin is a series of small towns which are joined together by the S and U bahn Scotland and Ireland are …

The hard middle days

are filled with forms, paperwork and Termine. We are slowly starting to find out way around out local area. Each day we venture further and futher both to attend to every day tasks but also to get a better sense of where we are and how the places join toegether …